Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system. It is four times larger than the Earth diameter made up of hydrogen , helium and methane. No oxygen in Uranus as it is made of flammable gases. The name Uranus was given by German Johann Elert Bode .They are also known as Ice giant because the upper atmosphere is so cold and appear in blue green colour.
Researcher has observed Uranus using Chandra first in 2002 they have taken a report of Xray emission and again in 2017 after fifteen years .They saw the clear detection of Xray. What could cause the emit of Xray ?Answer is sun. Astrology observed the Jupiter and Saturn scatter the Xray due to sun. Saturn has a ring in which electrons and proton collision leads to emission of rays. Thus one of the possible of Xray production in Uranus is the rings like in Saturn. Uranus also have rings which is not visible as they are made of ice and dust. During the emission of Xray it glow into pink.
Another possible is from auroras .Auroras is a colourful light shows ins sky ,when high energy particle interact with atmosphere. In earth also Xray will emit from auroras .Emission of Xray is not special but this emission from Uranus is miracle with unusual orientation of its spins and magnetic fields.
Because the rotation of other planet like Jupiter and Saturn are almost perpendicular to plane of orbit ,while the rotation of Uranus is parallel to its path around sun. This cause auroras be unusual ,complex and variable .This made the astronomer to understand how more exotic object in space such as growing black holes and neutron star emit Xray.
Credits: Hemarajee
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