Normally every people will have a breakout of acne at any point in their life. Acne is different from pimple . Pimple will be cleared within a weeks while the acne remain most longer. Acne occurs on face ,chest, back, upper shoulder ,upper arm. Acne occurs for both sex due the increase in the hormone level.
Commonly the acne starts during puberty (between 10 and 13 )and tends to worse in people with oil skin. During puberty, both boys and girls produce high level of androgen .Male sex also includes testosterone. Boys have most severe cases in the early stage where women have likely men in their 30s and beyond . Testosterone will increase the secretion of oil in skin’s oil gland .Thus the sebum leads to opening of hair follicle on face, neck, chest and back. Bacteria grow in clogged follicle .This clogging break the wall of follicle under pressure buildup. This will easily spread to near tissues which future form papule called inflammatory acne.
Commonly the acne starts during puberty (between 10 and 13 )and tends to worse in people with oil skin. During puberty, both boys and girls produce high level of androgen .Male sex also includes testosterone. Boys have most severe cases in the early stage where women have likely men in their 30s and beyond . Testosterone will increase the secretion of oil in skin’s oil gland .Thus the sebum leads to opening of hair follicle on face, neck, chest and back. Bacteria grow in clogged follicle .This clogging break the wall of follicle under pressure buildup. This will easily spread to near tissues which future form papule called inflammatory acne.
Almost more than half of the pregnant women develop acne due to increase in the hormone level during their first trimester . It usually go away when the hormone returns their normal level after the childbirth . Pregnant women should avoid use isotretinon medication which leads to miscarriages .So safe action is to use good skin care. Wash your face gently ,use oil free ,alcohol free, non-brasive cleanser.
Washing face more than twice may cause more harm than good. Use face cleaner than deodorant body soap which cause irritation and affect the inflamed skin. Avoid harm scrubbing with cloth. Gently wash the face with soft cloth or sponge. Avoid using fragrances ,oil ,promodes and gels if they get on your face may get into the pores and cause irritation. Avoid touching the cheek, chin ,face on your hand. Never pick or pop the pimple with you finger. UV rays from the sun may increase inflammation and redness and cause dark colouration. Certain foods like Chocolate will not cause pimple. Junk, greasy food should be avoided. Add more fruits, vegetables and grain in your diet.If you have oily hair best use regularly shampoo.
Credits: Hemarajee
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