1.Wear Helmet:
It is necessary to wear a Helmet while driving to safeguard ourself.2.Mobile Phones:
Avoid using mobile phones while riding, may make you careless and thus makes your life endangered.
3.Obey speed limit:
We should drive within
the speed limit and they are normally indicated on a traffic sign.
4.Traffic Signals:
They are made for avoiding traffic jams and accidents in cities and town.
5.Slow down or stop:
Slow down or stop at road junctions, intersections, pedestrian crossings and road corners where should wait until you are sure of a clear passage ahead.
6.Vehicle fitness:
It should be compulsorily insured of risk, because of the growing number of accidents that cause fatalities and disability among the victims.
7.Never drink and drive:
Never drove after you drink, not only if you suspect that someone is driving drunk call the police immediately.
8.Careful driving:Be careful to use your indicators in good time to warn others what you’re going to do, but not so early that it could confuse others.
Credits: Sabitha