Everyone might see the illusion of something in their lifetime, but it’s not the illusion we saw, it’s about the illusion we live.
Yes, Life is the biggest illusion. We don’t know, what is real. Everything around us is an illusion. This document, the world, you, all illusion. Any uncovered reality is not real either. Behind the curtain is the next curtain and behind the illusion is just another deeper illusion.
For a thirsty person, the illusion of water makes him move forward. Even though it is not real, it gives him some hope. For instance, In the journey of life, we might know that it will not happen, but we are longing for it, which simply means the expectations.
If this makes you sit at believing nothing really matters, the illusion tricked you. Don’t focus on the discovery.
Enjoy the journey. Luckily all weaknesses, futility and imperfections are illusion too. So smile. It might not be real, but it’s great fun.
When you realize, everything is an illusion, no one or nothing can make you down which means maturity hits.
Buddha says, “All is an illusion" he isn’t saying that nothing is real. He’s saying that your mind projections onto reality are illusions.
Once you have accepted this, you are free to live truly, deeply and playfully.
Credits: Sabitha