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Why should we Blink?

As children, most of us had staring contests with siblings or friends. Your eyes burned and watered and finally, you gave up. However, have you ever wondered why we should blink, what will happen if we stop blinking or blink at a fast rate?
Blinking is necessary for two main reasons: clearing away dust particles and lubricating the eyeball. Even though you probably don't notice it, the average person blinks approximately once every 10 seconds. The average blink takes about 400 milliseconds, but the speed can be affected by many things such as fatigue, use of medication, and certain health conditions.
Blinking wipes and renews your tear film, the smooth, moist layer covering our eyeballs. Your tear film and tears are made of water, oil, and mucus. The tear film also contains many nutrients and amino acids to nourish the cells in the cornea, the clear, dome-like structure on the front of the eye. 

Besides keeping your eyes lubricated, tear film also:
  • Helps form an almost perfectly smooth optical surface on top of the cornea for light to focus properly
  • Transfers oxygen from the atmosphere to the cornea, since there are no blood vessels to deliver it directly.
  • Prevents infection due to the presence of lysosomes and other antibacterial enzymes
  • Washes away debris
  • Provides a pathway for white blood cells when there is an injury to the surface.
  • When we don’t blink often enough the moisture in our eyes evaporates and is not replenished, leaving our eyes tired, dry, and itchy. This may lead to some eye infections.
Excessive blinking might be irritating, but it’s rarely caused by a serious problem. When it is, it’s part of a neurologic syndrome, and there are usually other neurologic symptoms.

Excessive blinking can be prevented by some of these ways :
  • Avoid being around anything that irritates your eyes, such as smoke and allergens.
  • Keep your eyes moist with lubricating eye drops.
  • See your doctor whenever you suspect your eye is inflamed or infected.
  • Avoid spending a prolonged time in bright light, including sunlight.
  • Take frequent breaks while reading or working at a computer to avoid eye strain.
  • Get regular eye exams, and make sure your prescription glasses are the right strength.
  • Engage in relaxing activities that help you reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue.

Credits: Sabitha


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